Sometime early age kids affected with spastic cerebral palsy don’t show much improvement even with good quality of cerebral palsy therapy. It happen because of persistent moderate to severe spasticity in a few groups of muscle. Then they need botulinum toxin....
Ataxic cerebral palsy occurs because of the lesion in the cerebellum. The child has a very shaky & unstable gait. These children need intensive therapy to improve balance, pelvic control & posture. Sometimes they also need a Brace & walking aid. Rarely do...
What Is The Best Treatment For Mild Cerebral Palsy? Mild cerebral palsy means the child can walk and do his or her activity with little limitation. These children belong to GMFCS class 1 & 2. These children can walk independently in the house but in the community,...
Hemiplegic spastic cerebral palsy typically affects the upper & lower limbs on one side. Children can have weakness in muscle groups along with contracture & deformity. It may be only mild impairment in functional activity or severe disability. If left for a...
Problem: Common problem in upper limb is pronation deformity, spasticity of finger & wrist flexor, weakness of wrist / finger extensor, flexor spasticity at elbow. Management Protocol: Hand affection in early age is managed by physiotherapy, training in fine motor...
Diplegic spastic cerebral palsy affects both lower limbs . It also features some functional problems in upper limb. Lower limb affection is more than upper limb. In initial age most commonly they are present in jump knee (toe walking) & scissor gait but after...
Cerebral palsy is the term used to define most common neuromotor disorder of childhood that occurs due to damage in the developing brain in utero, infancy or in early childhood up to 3 year age, and after that it permanently affects body movement and causes lack of muscle coordination. Brain lesion don’t get worse over period of time but physical disability can regress, remain same or may improve with time depending upon treatment intervention. half of these children can have one or more other problem like problem in speech, hearing, vision, convulsion, recurrent infection.