Muscle movement loss in certain body areas is a health condition called paralysis. All forms of paralysis show differences from each other. Muscle conditions among people with paralysis differ between weak and floppy tissue structures and stiff and tight muscle...
Children with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy (SDCP) face many challenges in education. The movement difficulties, along with muscle stiffness, present challenges to students when trying to learn in a traditional school environment. With appropriate educational...
Chorea and athetosis are two main types of involuntary movements that can happen in adults and children with neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy. Now, the movements have different features, and the most noticeable difference here is that athetosis appears...
Cerebral palsy is a medical condition that impacts the brain and the body both. It happen because of insult to cerebral motor cortex, which is the part of the brain responsible for controlling muscle movements. This brain damage can significantly impact the body in...
What Is Puberty? According to WHO adolescence is the period between 10 to 19 years of age when we cross through a transitional period of life and become an adult. Puberty is the physical changes during which a person passes through so that the person becomes sexually...
Most of the time fibular hemimelia will be associated with foot & ankle problems along with leg shortening. It developed completely or part of the fibula is absent. Till now, no clear-cut cause (aetiology) has been defined for this problem. Sometimes they may be...
Cerebral palsy is the term used to define most common neuromotor disorder of childhood that occurs due to damage in the developing brain in utero, infancy or in early childhood up to 3 year age, and after that it permanently affects body movement and causes lack of muscle coordination. Brain lesion don’t get worse over period of time but physical disability can regress, remain same or may improve with time depending upon treatment intervention. half of these children can have one or more other problem like problem in speech, hearing, vision, convulsion, recurrent infection.